May 23, 2011

Random Ramblings...

I hate how I have this ping-pong effect going on inside of me over the last several months. I keep trying to focus on the good, humorous, loving, etc.. moments and things going on.. and I will finally get back to a point of feeling like life is good... And then something or someone will do something that will change that entire feeling.

Let's discuss the bad first so we can leave with a couple funny stories that make me smile.

Thankfully my class (though it's the first week) is easier for me to understand.. and while I might change my opinion later, it makes the suckage less in my life!... However, my work situation is not getting better. I really am going to have to get on my knees and pray through all the stuff going on because it's not getting better on its own. And, while I COULD go on and on about all the reasons I have a right to feel, be, do, and think the things I do about my situations.. I also have to take responsibility for the fact that in several instances I have not done what I could have to make it better. Please pray for me.. because while I am not going to go through this list of things going on, I seriously need some help from the Lord.. And, whatever lesson He's trying to teach me.. PLEASE let it come quickly so I can move on and not drag it out arduously!

I have been really thinking and mulling over the several people who have misunderstood me and my heart so much lately.. Partially because there have been a couple in the last several days, but partially because it has come from people I feel like should know.. or have a sense of where my heart is, whether they understand everything I do or say or not... The frustration and hurt I feel from these instances is very real.. but surprising too that it is hitting me so deeply.

It is all very frustrating.. but I KNOW it will be worth it some day...

"God promises deep fulfillment and rich joy beyond your wildest dreams. When you come through your trials, you begin to experience it. That's why, if you've ever met a gentle, loving, wise person who radiates the love of Jesus, I can almost guarantee that he or she has suffered deeply. The way God produces that kind of person is through adversity. They don't give up, the life of Christ begins to manifest through them, and they have an inner joy and fulfillment from God that can't be touched by circumstances now and that is greatly magnified in heaven." (my favorite quote)

On the good side of things...
I got to dance three nights this weekend.. oooh boy was I tired this morning! And, all three nights were awesome and loads of fun. Friday night several friends showed up, a couple I knew about, and a couple I was pleasantly surprised to see... And, let's be honest, friends always make dancing way more fun.. if for no other reason than people watching!... And, maybe a little discussion about the various guys' styles, cuteness, abilities etc.. always an entertaining time!
Then, Saturday I went to a social salsa event, which had a significantly smaller crowd than I was expecting, but ended up being an absolute blast due to the people there. However, I probably danced less Saturday than the other nights, although I was there for a solid four hours!... But, I also laughed the most this night because while I was not dancing I was chatting away and making awkward situations even more awkward.. then we would all laugh about it. Great night!
Sunday I decided I wanted to go to my favorite place to dance here in DC... For a couple reasons, but the main one being that I will be out of town for the next three weekends, and I had not been in a month as is! I was not planning on staying very long at all given how much dancing I had done over the weekend, but I ended up meeting a couple great dancers, and chatting with one that I have seen several times before.. and we just had a great conversation.. 

Definitely the weekend I needed to face the chaos that is the week ahead of me.

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