Feb 27, 2011

Francis Chan...

I just want to put this out there... I have SO MUCH respect for Francis Chan.. So much.

Here's why...
  • First, he walked away from his mega amazingly booming church to follow Christ... (here)
  • Second, he continues to seek what is righteous and holy in Christ's eyes.. no matter what. (here)
How can I not respect a man who walks away from success for Christ?!... And, in the midst of all of it his comment is: “I think there has been too much emphasis on me. I want to be used by God, but I think we have this desire to make heroes out of people rather than following God and the Holy Spirit.”

Amen. I pray the Lord blesses him... but more than anything uses him to ROCK THIS WORLD to glorify Christ even more!

Thank you Lord for men like Him! I am so encourage in my soul to see men of Christ not just "living" a life sold out for Christ.. but actually LIVING a life sold out.. and excitedly talking about it!... Just awesome!.. And, even cooler that, people think he's nuts! haha!

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