May 15, 2012

Boldly Go...

For the most part I am a fairly bold person. I tend towards "going" until God says no... and I often operate under the "what's the worst that could happen?" However, like anyone else, I get into comfortable ruts of just going through the motions of my schedule. Work, homework, random chores, various errands, and the occasional hang out. Nothing real exciting, and more or less just normal life... And, I kind of hate the normal mundane ruts.. Not because they are normal, but because they are often indicative of my acceptance of mediocrity, which I hate.

I have been thinking lately about the normal comfortable life, and how that is not exactly what we are supposed to do or more importantly who we are supposed to be. I mean, really, there are dozens of stories in the Bible that really inspire me to truly be bold and try something new... Mix these stories in the Bible with friends who have been encouraging me to be even more bold than I am used to or to try something entirely new that scares me or freaks me out a little, and you have a recipe for being molded into who I was really meant to be. Do not get me wrong, I am not talking about foolishly going or throwing all caution to the wind, I am talking about refusing to allow fear or anxiety control my life. A couple of my dear friends lately have repeated the mantra "what's the worst that could happen?" ... Which has caused me to pause and think about the situation(s) before me.. and more often than not "the worst" really is not deserving of that title, and really should be something along the lines of "most uncomfortable." But, I refuse to be controlled by potentially uncomfortable circumstances...

So, in light of this type of thinking, "...‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and not rejected you.
‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,..." - Isaiah 41:9b-10a

Be bold. Summer is a great time to decide to be bold and go until God says no!


Vera said...

So, Krista, what is next on your list of being bold? :-) ♥

Jess and Jason said...

So funny! Jason was just telling me tonight that he feels called to change life up a bit. It started with only ordering a different thing at dinner than he typically does, but he's excited to get out of his comfort zone in all areas of his life. It can be hard to just delve into something new or different, but how fun it would be! We're both working on being open to new experiences.